Today, {Sunday, 10/6/19} a pair of criminals became angry about some slight or other while boozing it up at a KCKS/MO area bar (Strawberry Hill) and waited several hours to come back and commence shooting up the joint. Now, they’re on the run: God sent the shooters! Also, this week, NINE soldiers and LEOs died, which were the direct result of Our Lord and Savior deciding that was to happen; they were all
This week, NINE soldiers and LEOs were taken from the world of the living. Three are confirmed as suicides from the same ship -> USS George HW Bush. That begs the question: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR CHILDREN? Speaking of that subject, did you hear about Mattel revealing their launch of a “gender-inclusive” doll line?: Pelosi (acting like she gets to SPEAK for all Democrats) announced formal impeachment inquiry of Trump: GodSmack!
This week SEVEN soldiers and LEOs died, from the USA. In China, protesters are not done, and smashed up an underground station and were trampling on the Chinese flag as demonstrations “turned violent”: In Paris, the yellow vest protests are still going, and MORE THAN 150 people have been arrested thereat: In Russia protests were actually productive and got an actor released from prison: Albania had a 5.6 earthquake: Canada’s PM
This week, FOUR soldiers and LEOs died at the hand of God. God said he would do it, and He did it. God is faithful! 1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Unlike our institutions of higher learning, as demonstrated by some shenanigans that were unearthed this week. Such as the fact that the M.I.T. Media Lab was getting big bucks