Since last we checked FORTY-ONE soldiers and LEOs have been killed by a raging mad God because the fact they aligned themselves with the United State of America while NOT loudly bemoaning her many sinful policies. This piece claims that the Florida C19 cases have hit its highest level since the start of the pandemic: 3rd Florida-based ship has outbreak, state cases hit record ( The Romanians tried to mimic the ‘Merican rebels and “storm
This week the United States saw more than 800K deaths by C19 ‘A defining tragedy’: US COVID death toll eclipses 800,000 as winter surge intensifies – ABC News ( Cornell shut down the Ithaca campus because they SAW SIGNS of Omicron variant: Cornell University shuts down Ithaca campus due to COVID-19 case surge : Coronavirus Updates : NPR This piece advised that there are reasons for the C19 cases being so record-breaking HIGH right now: Covid-19:
As Russia is poised to begin World War III G7 representatives met this week as a “show of unity” to them: G7 ministers seek to present a ‘show of unity’ against Russia | News | Al Jazeera surely THAT won’t escalate hostilities. While San Francisco’s tolerance is running thin with brazen and egregious rampant crimes: San Francisco’s vaunted tolerance dims amid brazen crimes | AP News This week SCOTUS ruled that the Texas anti-abortion law
The nation of Barbados has officially cut ties with Queen Elizabeth, II to become it’s own republic: Barbados cuts ties with Queen Elizabeth II, becomes a republic in a grand ceremony ( While Sweden’s female leader who quit, last week, was reelected this week: Magdalena Andersson is reelected as Sweden’s first female prime minister : NPR Lee Elder, the first black golfer, died this week: Lee Elder, first Black golfer to play Masters, dies at