This week SIX soldiers and LEOs were struck down by a Just and Righteous God, and in fact this article says one of them was killed by another of their own right here in DOOMED USA: these events are nothing to be dismiss off-hand. Likewise the death of a black man in Minneapolis was not to be dismissed lightly by either police or protestors: nor is it lightly dismissed or ignored by POTUS:
Two weeks ago NINE soldiers and LEOs died; this past week another EIGHT. However, none of that means anything to this government or these people who refuse to connect any dots on the matter as they get all geared up to WORSHIP THE DEAD. Don’t you know that Memorial Day is just that? Arlington Cemetery is getting prepared, and they happen to be under the authority and supervision of The Department of The Interior of
This week is National Police Week, and This Week At Interior reminds us of that and that God is reaching down into the tribes and parks of DOOMED USA to snatch up and discard their LEOs in addition to the more readily available details on soldiers and LEOs: Meanwhile all across the world people are using their face masks to “make a statement”: here’s doubting they are making scriptural, or even any truthful
This week SEVEN soldiers and LEOs died, and while it is very sad to contemplate for a weak dusty human – God doeth ALL THINGS WELL. A whole lot of “celebrities” have died in 2020, and an example list is right here: some happened just this week, to include by natural causes such as Bad Company singer Brian Anthony Howe: by lingering disease like Pilates Instructor to the stars Mari Winsor: as