This week SIX soldiers and LEOs were struck down by a Just and Righteous God, and in fact this article says one of them was killed by another of their own right here in DOOMED USA: these events are nothing to be dismiss off-hand.
Likewise the death of a black man in Minneapolis was not to be dismissed lightly by either police or protestors: nor is it lightly dismissed or ignored by POTUS: which if history revisionist will recall Obama NEVER offered or did to assist Missouri, New York, Philadelphia, et al. Or if he did, he was awfully quiet about it.
Apparently “Zombie fires” are erupting in Siberia and Alaska, signaling a severe northern wildfire season is coming: Zombie Fire: old fires which burrow into the rich organic material beneath the surface, such as the peatlands that ring the Arctic and smolder there throughout the frigid winter only to burst forth when warmer weather comes!
This week the number of USA dead from COVID-19 topped 100,000. POTUS wants us to “reopen” anyway:
Go ahead and talk about that while you consider that in Canada they are treating their elderly so bad that the MILITARY says it is “extremely troubling”:
Deuteronomy 28:18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.