Remember: You can read/hear old sermons by our pastors/elders on this same website. “Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.” Acts 2:23. counsel and foreknowledge of God.” Acts 2:23. It’s the Day of Pentecost, following the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and Peter is preaching one of his greatest sermons to the huge crowd of people assembled in Jerusalem from all over the world; to wit: “And
Don’t forget to check out the sermons on this same site. Satan hates the human race. If every one of us was obliterated NOW he could not be happier. Therefore we all need to know what his devices are if we have any interest in avoiding his tyranny. When God allows Satan loose on this earth, we see: Wars (to include political wranglings) – Russia/Ukraine: + Along with & + +
You can read and hear this sermon on the same website where you are reading this blog. Unlike God, humans abuse and mistreat each other: Children butchered by “medical professionals”: Clearly, this shows they are only angry with the Supreme Ruler or they would have been able to choose the gender BEFORE the children were born. This earth’s nations may think THEY have supreme leaders, but only God is The Supreme Ruler of this
This week was a stark set of events, and yet you can see a reflection from years past shining through. Let us look at the sermon from Sunday, 9/9/2007 found at Sermon Outline Bush, Balaam, Bel Bush, Balaam, Bel—-shazzar: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres shazzar: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres Pres. Bush is prone to bouts of crying caused by the stress of his job, and claims to have seen ghosts emerge from the White House