Letter to our church via email: subject: Thank God for the Westboro Baptist Church
I’d like to direct my email to Shirley Phelps-Roper if I may.
I’ve watched countless videos on YouTube about you guys.
In 2010 I was convinced that the WBC were the worst people on the planet but today in 2022 at age 28, I now understand the message you guys are preaching.
I once held the view that God loves everybody but as time went on and more and more destruction occurring I thank God that I am still alive to hear and understand God’s word. I myself have struggled with same sex attraction and I now understand what it means to repent and turn away from this lifestyle. Reading the Bible has really opened my eyes to all the lies that are being spread in this nation. Yes I firmly believe that God sent the coronavirus and I’m so thankful that I’m alive to be able to repent. I just hope and pray that God forgives me. I would like to know can a repenting homosexual be saved?
Our Response:
Hello Friend:
When we live in a generation that is indelibly defaced with the use of scoffing and mocking to show their rebellion against God (see 2 Peter 3:3, Jude 1:18), it is common to receive insincere writings in response to our faithful ministry. It may be that yours is in this league, or that you have genuine remorse for your sins – against God. Either way, we’re told, Christ will receive the glory:
“Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice” (Philippians 1:15-18)
We have the duty to be “ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in” us, and we must do that “with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15). Hope, in the question you have raised, is that glorious anchor we have for our soul when we are tossed about with the knowledge of our own sins against a great and avenging God. How can it be that a sinner of our magnitude can be called to such a hope … that we may receive our own bodies back in a glorified state and dwell in eternity with that Christ whose efficacious blood was spilled for those the Father gave Him. We “search [] the scriptures daily, whether [such] things were so” (Acts 17:11), because only there will we – and you – find the answer for your distress (Lord willing).
So, let us examine the question of whether a human being who has “struggled with same sex attraction” can be found among those of the chosen seed. First, though, let us gently and clearly admonish you to shut up about that. Nobody who continues to speak openly about their sins has the appearance of a desire to repent of them. Putting them (in every respect and forum) as far from you as the east is from the west, is the necessary framing of that matter. Having the question to be answered is understandable, but that doesn’t require wallowing in the specifics. Here are the answering words the Apostle Paul gives:
“¶ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind [i.e., practicing sodomites], Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
This is not a close question. If a person is in the depths of any abominable thought or practice in this life – and every human being will find themselves in that place – and the Lord God delivers, then those sins are forgiven. The sinner hates those sins. The sinner spends the remainder of his life despising the very thought of them and has perpetual warfare raging between his flesh and his spirit for the remainder of his days … but when he quits this life there is an eternal life of rest and rejoicing that awaits him.
Thank you for reaching out, so that we might exercise our knowledge of these things and preach the Word to this generation.
Your Friends at Westboro Baptist Church