Since last we checked or counted, God has sent Forty-Two more soldiers and LEOs to their long homes.
Speaking of LEOs, did you hear about the Multiple 911 calls made from classrooms during the Uvalde shooting: Multiple 911 calls made from classrooms during Uvalde shooting as police waited in hallway, officials say / Twitter
A woman has received 15 months in prison for punching a flight attendant: Woman gets 15 months in prison for punching flight attendant [Video] (
While more than 1,000 flights have been canceled ahead of Memorial Day weekend: More than 1,000 flights canceled ahead of Memorial Day weekend amid staff shortages as millions travel (
Remember Kevin Spacey? He has been charged with 4 counts of sexual assault: Kevin Spacey charged in UK with 4 counts of sexual assault (
Ps 34:14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
Here is your updated timeline for the Russia-Ukraine war: May 25, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (
Also released this week was proof that the UK government officials are just as classy as you all thought they were:Drunkenness, vomiting and a scuffle at UK government lockdown parties | Reuters
When given the opportunity to swap land for peace, Ukraine said heck NO!: Ukraine Slams Idea of Swapping Land for Peace (