Several sources have reported, this week, that MORE soldiers and LEOs died as they were in the employ or otherwise represented the United States of America.
A former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison after being convicted of NINE crimes including perjury, obstruction of justice, and theft:
In New York state, a former employee of Governor Cuomo spoke out publicly about him groping her in the past: which caused New York lawmakers to announce they will proceed with his impeachment “with all due haste”: Whereupon, Cuomo announced he will resign: Thereupon, he said “wait, nope, not just yet… I will resign on August 24th”:
Proverbs 6:26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
Psalms 59:2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
Psalms 139:19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
Texas Governor is begging for out-of-state medical staff, and for hospitals to postpone elective surgeries due to a surge in COVID cases (oh and he says don’t make kids wear masks in school): Now North Texas’ ICU beds for pediatrics are all filled up: and this was the subject of the rant a Texas judge gave after he had to rule to reinstate the mask mandate:
In Florida Governor DeSantis has threatened the salaries of superintendents and school board members who support “masking”: Now, two days into the new school year, one Florida District asked 440 students to quarantine due to 51 students and faculty having confirmed C19 cases: Add this to the Texas mess: within a 24-hour period two teachers and one teaching assistant have all died from C19 complications:
Last week, the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) found that nearly 94,000 NEW child C19 cases were reported – a continued “substantial” increase: This map demonstrates the huge surge in C19 cases between July 5 & August 9 re-engulfing the entire United States:
The United Nations issued a report, this week, on the climate crisis and here are those “key takeaways”: after a careful review, we can say they completely lost the plot because they never once advised the readers to FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS!
While “Greece faces ‘disaster of unprecedented proportions’ as wildfires ravage the country”:
While in China, “recent rape scandals are a #MeToo victory, activists say”: