It was commonly reported by several sources, this week, that SIX soldiers and LEOs died as they were working for the United States of America.
Additional happenings around the globe included:
Israel has ratcheted up their attacks on Hamas to include bombing the building where the Associated Press has their offices; the roof of that building has been where the world has been keeping a sharp eye on Israel for many years as it is located in Gaza:
In Russia there was a mass shooting at a middle school, at least NINE dead:
A cyber attack on a major U.S. pipeline has resulted in several states literally being without gasoline this week:
While in Ireland, a cyber attack has pushed their entire medical system to be pushed back to the paper and pen era: perhaps this will cause those who are pushing for expanded “abortion rights” to repent and mourn for that gross sin and then perhaps God will have mercy on them.
In Colorado, a gunman killed six people who were attending a party because WHY? They didn’t invite him to the event:
Remember the outbreak of the Ebola in the Congo? Now 51 women are reporting that the aid workers were forcing them to exchange sex for work opportunities during that horrific event:
Hosea 4:6-8 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame. They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.