It is commonly reported by several sources that ELEVEN soldiers and LEOs died this week, as they were working for The United States.
On April 9, 2021 Prince Philip who was the one and only husband of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd died: there will be much pomp and circumstance regardless of the fact that he never was anywhere in the line of successors to The Throne of England or of that realm. In fact he was ousted from his actual heritage, and spent many years very bitter about it. Here is that sad and sordid tale:
Six men have been charged as part of an on-going sex abuse case in a New Hampshire youth detention center:
It turns out that it is not only Gospel preachers who are literally or defacto silenced in the United Kingdom according to this latest race report:
You may recall the critic of Putin who almost died from his illness, last year? He was placed in prison, and now has “disappeared”. Putin will face “mass Russia protests”:
Due to the many variants of C19 running rampant in Canada right now, Americans are being warned to stay away: Q: Even if they’re vaccinated? Yes, even then.
While in California, they have discovered a “double mutant Covid variant” in the Bay Area. You know what else is in the Bay Area? Only millions of people from all over the world flooding in DAILY!
Galatians 6:9-10 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all (men), especially unto them who are of the household of faith.