It is commonly reported by several sources that EIGHT soldiers and LEOs died this week, as they were working for The United States.
In Mexico City, Mexico THIRTEEN soldiers and LEOs were killed in one fell swoop as they carried out their duties against the “drug cartel”:
Also this week, eight immigrants were killed in a head-on crash in a border town:
It is being discovered that many of the people who actually die from C19 have the virus in their hearts OR it attacks other vital organs:
This week a shooter went to a massage parlor and killed eight people before getting arrested, and yet the focus of the media TODAY is what the apparently racist Chief of Police had to say about the matter:
In Minnesota several people who went to get their C19 Vaccination shots got plain saline INSTEAD:
Even as a stronger and more virulent strand has arrived in this country:
When the most recent stimulus package was put together pro-abortion politicians made certain that embedded in the law was funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills:,30858
In Northern Ireland their Secretary will be given authority to expand abortion:
In Tanzania they have elected their first female President: after the previous one died suddenly and mysteriously.
In Beijing thousands of families are being separated due to government crack downs:
While in Israel more Dead Sea Scroll scraps have been found to contain Bible segments:
The Dead Sea is forever present to remind us each and all about the destruction of the five cities of the plains who legalized and legitimized sexual perversion contrary to the plain word of God. Today, Abraham’s biological progeny STILL REFUSE to pay heed to what Christ said on the matter, to wit: Luke 17:32-33 Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.