Several sources are reporting the deaths of THIRTEEN soldiers and LEOs of the United States, this week.
It seems that Alexei Navalny who is reportedly the Russian opposition leader was poisoned, and had to get Putin’s permission to be flown to Germany for treatment, and Putin gave the permission to leave the Siberian hospital:
Also Russia’s military has been conducting “manoeuvres” (sic?) at the Belarus border making the European Council on Foreign Relations a little bit pensive:
In California, this week, in addition to 6,396 new COVID-19 cases with 129.7 new deaths from COVID-19 per day, they have their first case of the bubonic plague in five years:
Also in California, the governor confirmed that the state is currently battling 367 known wildfires: a lot of that is down to a two-day lightning storm:
Also in California, a world temperature record was set in Death Valley, this week:
The Trump administration tried to “rollback” the Obama-era transgender health care protections, and this week a federal judge issued an injunction halting that: according to CBS News.
Under the “just gross” category, more photographs are coming out behind the whole Jeffrey Epstein et al sex slave, pedophile ring situation. This week, there’s apparently a photograph of former POTUS Bill Clinton getting a neck massage from a pronounced victim of same: of all the sources reporting this, Forbes is arguably the more reliable?
In Germany, they will extend Coronavirus furlough to 24 months:
Also reported from this past weekend, apparently a “car-size asteroid flew within 1,830 miles of Earth… and we didn’t see it coming”:
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. – 2 Peter 3:10
In Mali, their President resigned after he was arrested in a military coup:
In Malaysia a strain of the novel Coronavirus that is 10 times more infectious has been found, and is like some found in Europe and the United States:
Total COVID-19 Cases now in the world: 23.1 M; 803K deaths; in the United States: 5.68 M cases; 176K deaths.