Several sources are reporting the deaths of TWELVE soldiers and LEOs of the United States, this week.
Good news comes straight from our King of Kings (including the people who are really smart about statistics and what not – they sure act like they are royalty sometimes). It looks like if you are on lockdown and pregnant your chance of having a low weight premature little baby is lowered SIGNIFICANTLY:
Also, good news, The Department of Homeland Security official who oversaw the intelligence division at the department is being reassigned after he was found to be gathering intelligence on two US journalists:
More good news for some, not so much for POTUS, Edinburgh, Scotland is investigating him for potential money-laundering: that’s according to a less-than-credible source, but can you imagine?
However, no good news for Beirut, Lebanon where a huge blast erupted this week killing hundreds, and we tried to suss out the details even as they continue to search for missing people. the CNN bureau there was severely damaged.
First – It looks like that some Beirut port employees messed up in how they stored thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate.
Second – as this story unfolded it quickly became a little more clear that the government had extensive knowledge of this “floating bomb” and that information is being shared with the public showing their own documents, referred to as a “growing body of evidence”, that the substance had been in that same warehouse at the port for the past six years:
Third – as this information became public the masses began and continue RIGHT NOW to riot and otherwise declare their wrath with the current government:
The current reported total dead: 158
The current total injured: more than 6,000
The current total of confirmed dead in the United States from COVID-19 = 162 THOUSAND (ish)
The current total of confirmed dead in the World from COVID-19 = 728 THOUSAND (ish)
Total babies killed in the world from abortion since nations began legalizing it? A lot, and we don’t have that exact number however, the World Health Organization estimates that 40-50 MILLION babies are slaughtered by that method each year across the globe!
Jeremiah 2:34 Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.