This week EIGHT soldiers and LEOs died. All of them no-doubt counted on drawing pensions from those jobs, here in the United States.
Yesterday, a man took his vehicle and rammed it into the foyer of a local Ocala, FL church then set a fire knowing full well that pensioners were inside the building: he is reported to be a “schizophrenic and off of his meds”. God sent that vehicle and driver, let’s get that right.
You may recall a little television production called “Glee”? This week ANOTHER member of that cast is presumed dead when her little child was found all by himself floating on the lake and they are still looking for (to recover her body) Naya Rivera: this show was amongst the first to aggressively promote sexual perverts in casting and characters. This is a proffered tally of all the cast who have died from that show:
Seoul, South Korea’s Mayor was found dead after seven-hour search: this may have significant impacts on political and social dynamics.
The World Health Organization is now acknowledging “emerging evidence” that COVID-19 can be spread through the AIR: Really, a respiratory disease is carried on the air? No, that’s not the interesting part, this new evidence has proved that particles can spread through singing, speaking loudly or breathing heavily. There go the open gyms, jogging partners, etc.
Friday, POTUS commuted Roger Stone’s sentence: so while he was convicted of messing about during Mueller’s investigation, he will not spend further time locked up.
Epstein had a LOT of important friends, that’s a given, but this week a couple of interesting photos emerged relative to ONE. His fellow-predator (if Netflix docuseries is to be believed at all) Ghislaine Maxwell. Shown here sitting with Kevin Spacey on the throne in Buckingham Palace: and here at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding: This article speaks more on it:
Amos 5:12 For I know your manifold transgressions, and your might sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.
This week SCOTUS says states CAN punish Electoral College voters who do not do their sworn duty at the time of the vote cast:
In Georgia the Governor had to declare a State of Emergency and bring in 1,000 troops (that is a BATTALION) to protect the citizens because property damage, shootings (30 people shot, FOUR dead) on July 4th by criminal “protesters”:
Oh, and Charlie Daniels died, too: