This week, NINE more soldiers and LEOs were killed.
Late last Sunday tornadoes passed through Dallas, TX and caused $2B damage: check out the before/after photos.
Did you know there’s a shortage of volunteer EMS workers for ambulances in rural America?
Also last Sunday into Monday N. Ireland took the gloves off and announced same-sex marriage and abortion are both perfectly legal!
There’s a “Chaos Map” showing where deaths caused by unrest over food, water and fuel shortages have happened across the world since 2005:
Meanwhile, Democrats deposed people as part of the Trump impeachment process, this week. Republicans (who were already invited to the proceedings) apparently “stormed” in: Might they be considered a gang because there’re more than 3 and they probably have active warrants!?
In the UK 39 dead Chinese people were found in a truck in an industrial park: They were actually headed to the Belgian coast:
Good news about “climate change”… apparently the U.S. Military could collapse within 20 years: I hope that is a promise.
Speaking of military, under the peace deal with Turkey more military police have arrived in Syria:
This week (#3) of the D.C. climate change protest, Jane Fonda AND Ted Danson were arrested. Remember that each minute these perverts are behind bars is another minute they are not actively engaged in active adultery (theoretically):
New Normal Section
The 4th death in Legionnaire’s outbreak has been tied to NC state fair:
The number of vaping-related lung injuries rose to 1,604 cases per CDC:
Currently fires are spreading towards each other from the North and South in California, to add to the party, a “once in a decade” wind event:
In case you were wondering, the yellow vest protests have continued in Paris, and this week Chileans in Paris joined in but their message was for both Macron and Chile’s President Pinera to resign!: at the precise time that 1 Million people were protesting in the “largest ever” march in Chile: they want reform, and this has been ratcheting up for a long time with a lack of public access to water being merely ONE reason!
Job 9:24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?