Week In Review – July 7, 2019!
Southern California was struck with not ONE, but SEVERAL high magnitude earth quakes and aftershocks this week: https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=t-ghXYnkBpvctAaluI2gBw&q=earthquake+in+california&oq=earthquake&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i131l7j0j0i131l2.412.2563..5606…0.0..1.761.3076.0j6j1j2j1j0j1……0….1..gws-wiz…..0..35i39.aLRmWyOheuQ Additionally shocking was that EIGHT soldiers and LEOs died this week, and all of them claim America as their home. In Russia they have mass casualties after flooding: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-07/03/c_138193421.htm In Honduras at least TWENTY-SIX souls were taken when a fishing boat capsized: https://www.etvbharat.com/english/national/international/america/26-killed-as-fishing-boat-capsizes-in-honduras/na20190704080043028 note of trivia: did you know that “SOS” stands for: Save Our Souls? On